Our grains are grown regionally on organic acreage and milled every 8 weeks by Carolina Ground.

We also mill weekly on the premises.

Our house milled dough is made from ancient and heritage grains, such as einkorn, emmer, spelt and rye.

Our Desem bread is available for purchase weekly.

Call 727-386-4107 for availability.


Heritage grains are ones that started as ancient grains, and through cross breeding, communities then created for their regions. They have deep, extensive root systems which is not the case for modern varieties. It means higher nutritional value.

Our grains are stone milled. It is an ancient method, thousands of years old. Most grains found in stores are roller- milled, a modern technology from the 1840’s. Stone milling allows all of the nutrients to remain in the flour. Roller milling removes the nutrient and replaces it at the end of the process.

It is far more challenging a process to work with stone over roller milled grains. We use natural leavening, hand mixing and slow fermentation.

Our pizza is therefore easy to digest and absorb its nutrients.